进入【优化工具】,选择【扩展】,可以看到【Dash to dock】处于开启的状态,点击右侧的设置按钮,在【Position and size】tab页可以看到【Intelligent autohide】,只要将该选项禁用即可改变侧边栏的智能隐藏行为,附视频链接:Disabling the Kali Linux 2.0 Sidebar Autohide featurefromOffensive Securityon Vimeo. 将你的SSH...
虽然在 App 内可以通过代码实现屏幕常亮,但是现在的需求是在系统设置里增加永不休眠的功能,可勾选的实现动态修改...getScreenOffTimeoutLocked方法,修改如下: 小结 如何从源码上实现永不休眠功能,具体实现也就这样了,这里仅是简单记录下。 Android-6.0 永不休眠补丁,提供下载...
Adjusting or disabling the screen lock During the use of this book, you may find yourself leaving your system to run commands or in between sections. During this time, the screen may lock and force you to login in more frequently than you would prefer. To change this behavior, do the fol...
Install Tor in Kali Linux 5. Disable the Screen Lock By the time you get to this number, you must have noticed that the cleanKali installationships with an auto-lock feature which, for me, can be a bit annoying; especially if I only left my computer for a moment to get some more cu...
Twitter:https://twitter.com/linux_choice Features: Lockscreen phishing page for Windows, Android and iPhone Auto detect device Port Forwarding by Ngrok IP Tracker Legal disclaimer: Usage of Lockphish for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It's the end user's responsibility ...
When prompted to log in, if you don't have a keyboard attached, you will need to touch the text box on the screen rather than clicking using the trackpad to pop up the onscreen keyboard.You should now have a fully functioning Kali Linux machine running on an ultra-portable Steam Deck ...
apt-getupdate -y && apt-getdist-upgrade -y#rebootapt-getinstall linux-headers-$(uname -r)#reboot 有两处建议重启下,如果结束后提示--fix-missing相关字样,按照提示再运行一次,apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-missing -y。有些内容需要手动确认,根据实际情况按q,或者挪动方向键回车。
Kali Linux(以前叫做BackTrack)是一份基于Debian的发行,它带有一套安全和计算机取证工具。其特色在于及时的安全更新,对ARM架构的支持,有四种流行的桌面环境供选择,以及能平滑升级到新版本。 受欢迎程度排名 (每日点击次数): 12 个月: 20 (368), 6 个月: 20 (361), 3 个月: 20 (379), 4 个星期: 16 ...
Kali Linux远程连接Windows服务器 前言: 为了在Kali上远程连接Windows系统的服务器我们需要安装两个工具,rdesktop和tsclient。另外,我们从主机服务商那里购买的Windows操作系统的服务器都是默认开启了远程连接的,如果我们要在局域网里连接桌面版的Windows系统一般还需要开启并配置好远程桌面。