Linux环境中配置了tomcat后在浏览器中无法访问的解决办法 在Linux中已经配置了tomcat,在浏览器访问一直访问不了,ping也能ping通,检查了logs日志也没有发现报错 通过:netstat -nlpt命令查看服务器已经对外开放的端口,可以看到8080端口绑定的地址是IPV6,难怪访问不了。 那么这时候可以在解压的tomcat的bin目录中新建一个一...
虚拟机VMware安装Kali Linux 一、创建新的虚拟机 1.创建虚拟机 2.导入镜像文件 3.选择客户机系统,可能会提示错误不能用,不用管接着往下安装 4.输入虚拟机的名称和安装位置 5.点击下一步直至出现以下界面。为虚拟机分配内存,建议不要超过提示的最大推荐内存,这里分配2048MB 6.继续点击下一步,使用推荐选项,直至...
proxychains apt-get update ProxyChains-3.1 ( Err stable InRelease Err stable Release.gpg Could not resolve '' Err sana/updates InRelease Err jessie InRelease ...
Does not connect to DNS. Does not connect to network besides its own localhost. I cannot figure out any configurations that will allow me to connect it to the internet my host computer has access to. I think it has to do with the APIPA address and lack of default Gateway on the Windows...
No working leasesinpersistent database - sleeping. done. 结果如上图, 笔者用的是VMWare, 运行的是Kali Linux, 希望用桥接模式通过路由器获取动态IP, 但是无论如何也不能正确获取IP地址. 一点点排查 1. 排查DNS root@kali:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf ...
Kali Linux 秘籍(全) 第一章:安装和启动 Kali 作者:Willie L. Pritchett, David De Smet 译者:飞龙 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 简介 Kali Linux,简称 Kali,是用于安全攻击的最新 Linux 发行版。它是 BackTrack
But my guest Kali Linux is working like NAT its having eth0 interface and getting the Internet as well. But I need to have wlan0 interface in VirtualBox guest Kali Linux to use aircrack-ng, airmon-ng, etc. wifi kali-linux airmon-ng Share Improve this question Follow edited Oct ...
NFQUEUE not dropping packets linux So I am following a course, they are using nfqueue to simply drop packets. But when I run the same code on my linux, it doesn't drop the packets and I am still able to access the internet with script ... ...
You’re still not done. If you try to access the internet, it will fail. That’s because you haven’t yet set the Domain Name System. To do that, you need to tweak the/etc/resolv.conf.So first, open the file in a text editor. Or you can delete the file and create a new one...