KALI LINUX / TERMUX tool for hacking victim android front camera. #How it Works??# The tool generates a malicious HTTPS page using Serveo or Ngrok Port Forwarding methods, and a javascript code to cam requests using MediaDevices.getUserMedia. The MediaDevices.getUserMedia() method prompts the user...
IIS/5.0 hostname:YourCompany.com country:FR表示搜索在法国所有运行IIS/5.0的系统。 Title:camera hostname:YourCompany.com表示在某台主机中标题为camera的信息。 geo:33.5,36.3 os:Linux表示使用坐标轴(经度33.5,纬度36.3)的形式搜索Linux操作系统。 7.其他搜索术语 Port:通过端口号搜索。 OS:通过操作系统搜索。
Find IP Address Location using Omegle. Create Fake WIFI Access Point Kali Linux. After resetting your Kali Linux operating system, all the settings in your system will be the same as before when you installed Kali Linux the first time. After resetting your operating system, only the settings o...
https://github.com/a13xp0p0v/kconfig-hardened-check 用于检查 Linux 内核配置中的安全加固选项的脚本 https://github.com/lionsoul2014/ip2region ip地址定位库,支持python3等多接口。类比geoip https://github.com/m101/hsploit 基于rust的HEVD 漏洞利用程序 https://github.com/ticarpi/jwt_tool 针对json ...
Having the ability to execute commands on the router, you can try to find the password from its administrative panel. The firmware of the router is a very lightweight, cropped Linux. Usually, due to limited resources, no DBMS servers are installed on the router, so the password should be ...
Upgrade a half shell to full interactive shell on a compromised Linux machine: #On victimpython -c'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'Ctrl-z#On attackerecho$TERM#note downstty -a#note down rows and colsstty raw -echo#this may be enoughfg#On victimresetexportSHELL=bashexportTERM=xterm256...