driftnet显示..想用driftnet截取图片,输入driftnet口令后显示 cannot open display有大佬告诉我下吗我用root就显示这样用普通用户sudo就显示这样
OpenVAS,一种端点扫描应用程序和 Web 应用程序,用于识别和检测漏洞。它被公司广泛用作风险缓解解决方案...
Error: cannot open display: :0.0 Tor Browser exited abnormally. Exit code: 1 Loading... Reply blackMORE Ops May 12, 2014 at 1:46 am Hi Sarthak, Run as ROOT and see how that works (or as sudo user). Good Luck. -BMO Loading... ...
Now that we know whyDockeris useful, let’s go through the process of runningKali Linuxtools fromDockercontainers. Installing Docker in Linux To useDocker, you first need to install it on your machine, here are the basic steps for installing Docker on anUbuntu-based system: sudo apt update ...
这将为 OpenVAS 运行漏洞更新。第一次运行时,您将看到以下截图中可见的信息,要求您迁移到使用 Rsync 来更新漏洞。键入Y并按Enter键。更新将开始。第一次运行此命令时,需要相当长的时间,因为它必须提供完整的插件和可用测试列表。在随后运行update命令时,它只会添加新的或更改的数据,并且速度要快得多:...
Open the command prompt and type in: Sud apt-get install nmap After the installation, type ifconfig on the command prompt. This will show all the hosts connected to your device. Then type: Nmap [hostname or IP address] This command will display all the details captured by the host disc...
OpenVR Benchmark on Steam is the first benchmark tool for reproducibly testing your real VR performance, rendering inside of your VR headset. OpenHMD is open source API and drivers that supports a wide range of HMD(head-mounted display) devices such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Sony PSVR, and...
Nikto基于LibWhisker(由RFP构建),并且可以在具有Perl环境的任何平台上运行。 它支持SSL,代理,主机身份验证,IDS逃逸等。 nikto的工作流程大致为200和404的http状态检查,然后运行每个插件。 Nikto并非被设计为隐形工具。它将在最快的时间内测试Web服务器,并且在日志文件或IPS / IDS中显而易见。但是,如果您想尝试一下...
若是提示:error while loading shared libraries: libgconf-2.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 解决方法: apt-get install dbus apt install libgconf-2-4 安装截图软件: 在应用程序中搜索screenshot,安装拓展插件即可。
在文件夹中找到下载好的jdk压缩包,并在旁边空白处右击,选择“在这里打开终端” 用sudo su命令进入管理员模式 输入apt-get remove openjdk*删除掉系统中自带的openjdk 输入mv jdk-8u281-linux-x64.tar.gz /usr/local将jdk压缩包复制到/usr/local 输入cd /usr/local将路径切换到/usr... ...