Latest posts by KaladinStormBlessed Re: Adrenalin still bugging PC Drivers & Software 2449 02-18-2024 06:28 PM Re: High temps 7600x PC Processors 9879 02-18-2024 01:00 PM View All ≫ Contact Me Online Status Date Last Visited 02-19-2024 05:29 AM Community Stati...
Thanks all! 1. Stormblessed This track is a lot like a "welcome to our story" track. There's a slow, solemn lead-up with bassoons, breaking into a proper battle theme that really evokes the battlefield well. There's big sweeping lyric melodies, with some awesome French h...
He will no longer be the Kaladin Stormblessed who must wade into every combat and save every poor young soldier. Resurrection (future): In SA6, Kaladin will be called back to battle when something messes up the world again. He will eventually, reluctantly answer the call. Master of Two...