※this ticket is not available 海游馆全年通票指南 全年通票是自购买之日起1年内(海游馆的休馆日除外)可以多次入馆的便宜门票。 而且还可以从全年通票的有效期限截止之月的3个月前起更新。例如有效期限截止日期为9月30日时,在6月1日~9月30日期间可以更新购买。 如果继续更新,自所持的更新前全年通票的...
Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan at Low Prices: Step into the underwater world of Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan with a handy mobile e-ticket. Visit the seals at the world's largest dome-shaped ceiling tank in the Arctic zone, marvel at the beautiful whale shark, watch
had so much fun! one of the best aquarium visit. a must go when you are in osaka. the redemption was really smooth you can save your time from queueing to buy the physical ticket. 1+ Klook User 5 Mar Suitable for bringing families with children. Because the place is big, there are ...
※大阪海游票已停止销售 ※The Osaka Kaiyu Ticket is not available
For this reason, the ticket office is crowded and it is highly Recommendation to purchase online tickets in advance as there is a strong possibility that you will not be able to enter the museum immediately. I'm very happy with the content. There's a big old aquarium in the middle, and...
大阪海游馆的特色是其丰富的海洋生物种类。你可以通过互动区探索太平洋沿岸地区,这里的水箱展示着超过3万多种海洋生物。由于在这可以欣赏到海豚,海狮,水獭,甚至鲸鲨,因此这里也成为了大阪最著名的打卡点之一。 海游馆标本展览 鱼类穿越道-海底隧道:从这里的水门开启通往海底隧道的蓝色海洋之旅。
Please arrive 10 minute(s) before the scheduled show time to redeem your ticket No early entry is permitted. There may be a long waiting line if you are late for your booking time Address Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan 1-1-10 Kaigandori, Minato-ku, Osaka ...
had so much fun! one of the best aquarium visit. a must go when you are in osaka. the redemption was really smooth you can save your time from queueing to buy the physical ticket. 1+ Klook User 5 Mar Suitable for bringing families with children. Because the place is big, there are ...
The OSAKA Kaiyu Ticket is a one-day pass which includes: 1) unlimited entry to Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan, 2) unlimited ride on all Osaka Metro lines and Osaka City Bus routes (certain exceptions) + 3) unlimited train ride of your choice (depending on your travel plan) which come in one ...
one of the best aquarium visit. a must go when you are in osaka. the redemption was really smooth you can save your time from queueing to buy the physical ticket. 1+ wanida *** 5 Mar 2024 Suitable for bringing families with children. Because the place is big, there are a variety...