Added some desertion events to the American Civil War to prevent stalling. 为美国内战新增逃避事件,防止内战拖延太久。 Added events for Canada and the United States to co-operate on shipbuilding, potentially in exchange for helping them to recover after the Civil War, involving decisions to lease ...
such as the Ostwall and the deal with the Ottomans, have been salvaged for the rework, but much of the content is brand new. Germany will be able tosend support to Austria and Spain,influence the American Civil War,form alliances in Asia...
The Second American Civil War when MacArthur is in power has been reworked to try and balance the war better, as well as speed it up so the victor can influence the Weltkrieg (see Minor Monday 44). 对第二次美国内战中麦克阿瑟的路线进行了平衡与修改,同时加快战争的进程来保证胜利的一方能对世...
The USA had dropped out of the race early in the 1920s as pacifism dominated the American political scene with the newly elected, non-interventionist President McAdoo. Their naval funding suffered significant cutbacks to the point that USS Iowa, a just-launched modern dreadnought, had to be so...
The German Empire seized most of the strategic naval stations of the British Empire, allegedly to prevent a world crisis, but it soon became clear as most of the Empire plunged into rebellion and civil war that the British could not ensure order and the German presence became a permanent occu...
Meanwhile in the East, the strategy of the Central Powers suffered from miscommunication, resulting in their failure to prevent the Russian incursion into East Prussia and Galicia, as well as the inability to subdue Serbia before the end of the year. The Japanese declaration of war resulted in ...
In the Kaiserreich universe, however, virtually every region has some similar kind of struggle — there is a three-way Spanish civil war, a too-many-sides-to-count American civil war that can drag in other factions, an Arabo-Persian coalition to take down the lumbering Ottomans, a Fourth ...
The text for the event at the death of Floyd Olson now takes the circumstances of the American Civil War into consideration. 弗洛伊德·奥尔森的去世事件会考虑美国内战的情况。 New map colour for Puerto Rico. 波多黎各获得新的地图颜色。 South America ...
Added decisions to the participants of the American Civil War, to mobilise their economy and raise conscription. The conversion of civilian factories to military is no longer instantaneous. 为美国内战参与者新增决议,包括动员经济、提高征兵,民工转换到军工不再会一蹴而就。
Using army troops in Ireland would have required acknowledgement of a state of war in Ireland; this would mean treating captured IRA as prisoners of war, which would prevent the authorities from jailing and deporting them. However, British Secretary of State for War Winston Churchill came up ...