Excellent staff and Nurses My family has been a member of Kaiser Permanente I was always told it was an exceptional hospital Their patient care is great especially the greetings They care what happens to you after you leave the hospital
囊性变 坏死 纤维化 囊内出血 疼痛 生长缓慢 气管压迫 堵塞感 呼吸不畅 呼吸困难 食管压迫 甲状腺肿 吞咽困难 喉返神经压迫 神经压迫 声音嘶哑 颈交感神经压迫 Horner综合征 眼球下陷 瞳孔变小 眼睑下垂 上腔静脉压迫 浮肿 甲亢 硬结节 颈部淋巴结肿大 ...