More than 2,400Kaiser Permanentepsychologists, therapists, social workers, and othermental health workersin Southern California began an open-endedstrikeMonday over increased workloads and staffing shortages that their union said have created a “substandard” system of care. The National Union of Healt...
She wrote a blog called "A Day in the Life of a Generalist Department Therapist: An internal dialogue." She says the problem in part is that health care systems are using a medical model as a mental health model and that doesn't work. "That's not how complex trauma is. That's not ...
Tomorrow (Monday November 16, 2015) marks the kick-off of an open-ended strike by Northern California Kaiser’s mental health workers. To date the longest Kaiser therapist strike lasted a week, in January 2015. In previous strikes the message has been directed to the public through the media...