It is known that increased rates of clinical depression are linked to people who live in regions with less sunlight even here on Earth. This is not surprising since our species evolved on the plains of Africa. Even human populations moving to a place on Earth like Siberia or Seattle, ...
-- Among cancer patients with health coverage in Southern California, those who were diagnosed and treated at Kaiser Permanente, an integrated health care organization, had better survival rates, especially Black and Latino patients, according to Kaiser Permanente research published in The American ...
On these measures, Kaiser Permanente placed first of all providers in California (the only state in which Kaiser had enough market share to be considered) [4]. NCQA Score Range: 4.5 to 5.0 out of 5 The National Committee for Quality Assurance rates health insurance plans on a 5-point ...
Analysts attributed Kaiser's woes partly to its inexperience in adapting to major changes as well as its rates, which, historically, had been lower than those of its competitors--rates which were no longer covering ballooning healthcare costs. Also, Kaiser had begun a five-year, $2 billion i...
Response rates varied by physician area of specialty with 54% of responses from Primary Care physicians (which combined Internal Medicine and Family Practice), versus 46% of responses from specialists, and by years in clinical practice (17%, 5 years or less; 17% 6–10 years; 20% 11–15 ...