Riot Games is hard at work cowling the Daughter of the Void’s powerful Nashor’s Tooth build, top League developer Matt Leung-Harrison told fans today. Update July 24, 11:39pm CT: We have our hands on Kai’Sa’s changes, which were added to the League PBE today. They include a dr...
Q. How’s the synergy with Ucal? Ucal hasn’t played that much scrims yet. He has a wide pool of champions but there wasn’t enough time to build good teamwork. Q. Do you have any last comments? We didn’t have a good atmosphere recently, but we won to...
Q. How’s the synergy with Ucal? Ucal hasn’t played that much scrims yet. He has a wide pool of champions but there wasn’t enough time to build good teamwork. Q. Do you have any last comments? We didn’t have a good atmosphere recently, but we won today, s...