凯帕拉湾 目的地 景点 酒店 餐馆 游记等凯帕拉湾 Kaipara Harbour景点 酒店 美食林 购物 跟团游 当地活动 自由行 周边游当地热门 景点 美食 购物 The Kauri Museum 5分 Gibbs Farm 4分 奥克兰高空跳伞 5分 Minniesdale Chapel 暂无评分 Albertland & Districts Museum 暂无评分查看更多...
The article reports that the New Zealand fairy tern has bred successfully in Kaipara Harbour for the first time for five years. The chick was hatched from an egg that had been incubated at Auckland Zoo and returned to its parents for hatching. New Zealand fairy terns nest on shell and ...
Okahukura Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour, is underlain by rocks of the West Northland Chaos-breccia (emplaced in the upper Oligocene to lower Miocene), Waitemata Group (upper Oligocene to lower Miocene), Waitakere Group (lower Miocene), and Quaternary dune and terrace deposits. The West Northland ...
Using frameworks grounded in environmental governance and SES, we examine the multijurisdictional institutional network of Kaipara Harbour in New Zealand. We find that while the conventional form of regulatory management has persisted until recently, the network has been modified to a more collaborative...
Peter Wilson (pictured left) of Wilson & Ross collaborated with Scion to develop a biobased biodegradable nursery container that is helping the Kaipara Harbour restoration programme deplasticise its supply chain during the planting of native seedlings.Creator of the product,...
Intrusion of Miocene dikes into wet tephra, Kaipara Harbour, Northland, New Zealand Several subvertical dikes of quenched and chilled basalt intrude a submarine tephra and underlying Miocene sediments on the north shore of Okahukura peninsula, Kaipara harbour, west coast of Northland, New Zealand...
Riverhead : the Kaipara gateway : an historical record of the upper reaches of the Waitemata Harbour, including Paremoremo, Lucas Creek, Herald Island, Whenuapai, Brighams Creek, Kumeu, the Ararimu, CoatsvilleMadden, Ian Beresford
Mtauranga-informed managementenvironmental decision-makingindigenous knowledgeintegrated catchment managementkaitiakitangaThe Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Group (IKHMG) promotes the integrated management, inter-agency coordination and kaitiakitanga of the Kaipara Harbour and its catchment. Led by the ...
During a 2-month instrument deployment in the Wairoa River estuary, Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand; 2-extreme freshets (high river discharges) were captured in time series of currents, salinity and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data. A subsequent time series analysis of stream-wise ...
A Regional Ecological Risk Assessment of the Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand, Using a Relative Risk Mode[l J] . Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal,2015,2(1 4):1123 - 1146.Pooja Kanwar, William B.Bowden, Suzie Greenhalgh.A Regional Ecological Risk Assessment of the...