德国凯曼保温常见产品型号:Kaiflex PEKKplus s2Kaifoam PEPUR-20X015-90KKplus s3EPDMplusHFplus s2 德国凯曼保温管Kaiflex PE产品参数:产品型号:Kaiflex PE-DWS产品描述:薄壁软管红色,厚度:隔热层厚度: 4 mm名称:Kaiflex PE-DWS 薄壁软管性能:带内部和外部薄膜应用场景:冷水管道和无特殊要求的管道的绝缘。...
Kaiflex KKplus s2绝缘系统是建筑隔热和空调安装的理想选择。它适用于繁忙的公共和商业建筑以及公寓建筑,在发生火灾时保持无烟紧急出口重要。采用KaiCene的绝缘板涂层,可显着烟雾性能,同时易于操作。 作为具有低导热性和高水蒸汽扩散性的闭孔绝缘子,Kaiflex KKplus s2即使在绝缘厚度较小的情况下也能的能量损失保护。它还...
Highly fire-resistant Kaiflex KKplus insulation system now with Kaiflex RT-KKplus s1/s2 pipe supports In order to guarantee a high level of personal safety in the event of fire, the overall planning concept must address the issue of smoke ... ...
HFplus s2 应用行业:化学工业 运输 石化工业 暖气和卫生 产品特点:闭孔软橡胶,具有长期性能。Kaiflex KKplus s3可以冷凝并减少能量损失。闭孔结构可提供蒸汽屏障,并在整个安装过程中。产生低烟的Kaiflex KKplus s3在着火时为人们的安全做出了贡献。根据欧洲标准B-s3,d0产生的烟雾,μ≥10,000 热效率高,0°C...
Kaiflex KKplus s2 reliably prevents the formation of condensation and pipe corrosion. The closed cells provide a full water vapour barrier, effectively reducing dampness and so maintaining the material’s high insulation throughout the service life of the insulated system. Due to its technical properti...
Kaiflex KKplus s2 reliably prevents the formation of condensation and pipe corrosion. The closed cells provide a full water vapour barrier, effectively reducing dampness and so maintaining the material’s high insulation throughout the service life of the insulated system. Due to its technical properti...