Shocking Truth, the follow-up to the 2003 DVD national cult sensation Terebi Sento, draws audiences into the underbelly of the Kaiju Big Battel Universe. Encapsulating years of in-ring monster mayhem and ongoing storylines, Shocking Truth will thrill both new and longtime fans, with its patented...
Our demented minds see Gadget from Chip 'n Dale in a brand new way; The writers imagine what could happen if Frosty's hat landed on a few other things; We always loved Master of the Universe so we show two Eternia sightseers getting caught up in a battle between He-Man and Skeletor....
Eight action-packed adventures featuring the incredible women of the DC Universe! When a Justice League mission goes bad, can Supergirl and Mary Marvel step in to save the day? Meanwhile, Wonder Woman battles the Cheetah while Natasha Irons takes on a robot attack. Then, it’s a true “Bat...
CERN has announced the discovery of a new particle, the Higgs boson. This particle has been predicted by theoretical physicists and is a major step forward in our understanding of the universe. Classification The best approach for classifying text depends on whether the classes are known in advanc...