In conclusion, Kaiju No. 8: The Animation is a triumph of modern anime. Its insane production quality, combined with a captivating and well-crafted story, makes it a must-watch for both fans of the manga and newcomers alike. This series sets a new benchmark for what can be achieved in...
May 10, 2006- Midori No Kaiju vs Kung-Fu Chicken Noodle Video; Debut Kaiju Podfighto! Podcast; Two More Matchups Announced for Anime Boston Big Battel; Minion Militia Kits Now Available April 26, 2006- Force Trooper Robo Returns; Teppen Mentors Hero Intern; Cube Launches New Kids' Cereal;...
Yes, but a lot of these are anime and have assimilated their own look and tone for creatures in that particular style and its sub-genres. Again, this is about genre and using the word where it fits correctly. No Pokemon aren't kaiju, I'll grant you that. They're their own nomenclatu...
Posted in anime, art show, art toys, cats, collectibles, custom toys, design festa, Japanese toys, kaiju, kaiju toy, mark nagata, Max Toy, Max Toy Company, monster kolor, negora, painting, soft vinyl | Tagged art show, art toy, cats, custom toys, design festa, gallery, harajuku, jap...