朱一龙:演完《志愿军:存亡之战》,很多事会想得更开~ #中国电影报道 关注 赞 评论 上新啦文化|何其有幸,生于华夏,着华服为祖国庆生 10月5日,山东临沂。仪式感满满!婚礼现场,新郎战友正步送头纱 #军婚 #满满的仪式感 上交所备战开市 《黑神话:悟空》取景地小西天景区爆火,紧急开办导游培训班,已有20人...
Griffin Springs a Surprise with Kahu to Play CentreHeming, Wayne
Ahu - To: Love猜你喜欢 孙笛雅-To Love Sondia-To Love 摩登兄弟刘宇宁-奉上 T-ara-T.T.L Ray-楽園PROJECT TV动画 张杰-立剑腾讯音乐娱乐集团 腾讯音乐人 酷狗音乐人 音乐推 5sing原创音乐 听歌识曲 歌叽歌叽 关于酷狗 商务合作 广告服务 投诉指引 隐私政策 儿童隐私政策 用户服务协议...
KahuthuJeff/monicaPublic forked frommonicahq/monica NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 master 25Branches 32Tags Code This branch is606 commits ahead of,814 commits behindmonicahq/monica:main. README ...
Embedding Te Whare Ako and Te Hono o Te Kahurangi to achieve SDG-4 in tertiary education in Aotearoa New Zealand doi:10.3389/feduc.2024.1400099Frontiers in EducationShadbolt, GlenMcAdam, StuartMcCaffrey, OwenShahid, Syed M.
There are some datasets available on SEG Wiki. One of them is Kahu 3-D. Kahu is not opening properly using segyio. Here is the code I`m using: filename = "KAHU-3D-PR3177-FM.3D.Final_Migration.sgy" with segyio.open(filename) as fl: data =...
The response to elimination of the point-source input of nutrients and the responses to a season of exceptional rainfall and years of drought indicate that conditions in the bay's water column are dependent on both natural events in the bay's watershed and human activity. K盲ne'ohe Bay is ...
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只有我的好姐妹们才知道我多想和好姐妹们一起骑行。 如果今天拍照就慢慢骑,如果今天萌萌跟队伍,那就吃饱喝足了冲! 匀速25的一天!#户外骑行好city啊 #夏天一起骑行追风 #户外骑行 #骑行旅行风景 #感受骑行的独特魅力 只有我的好姐妹们才知道我多想和好姐妹们一起骑行。 如果今天拍照就慢慢骑,如果今天萌萌跟队伍...