join codes (PINs). Live Games (simultaneous) 💡 The host canclick on the PIN in the lobbyof the game. This will automaticallycopy a direct linkto the game to their clipboard. 💡 The host cansend this link to the playersso that they can be taken directly to the game. Players...
game PIN: game pins are temporary codes that identify Kahoot! game sessions. A game PIN is one of the ways to join a Kahoot! game started by another Kahoot!'er. Learn how to find a Kahoot! PIN and start Kahoot!'ing now. When you go to, or open our mobile app ...
Drop pin question type Gather opinions by asking players to drop pins on an image. Scale question type Collect opinions and ratings from players in a poll-like scale where every vote counts. Track student progress View reports View analytics in advanced reports and get actionable insights to ta...
Open-ended question Spark discussions and collect audience feedback by asking participants to type detailed responses of up to 250 characters. Drop-pin Players can drop pins on an image! This is great for dropping locations on a map or choosing your favorite item on an image. Slide importer ...
Please note that “joining” is not the same as “actively playing”. It is possible to join the game and not answer any questions because of connection issues or not paying attention. Such participants are still going to be included in the results. ...
When an inappropriate term is identified, the nickname will be replaced with a generic word. On rare occasions, some participants share live kahoot PINs via text, social media, or online forums. This may result in several people (more than in your room) joining your ...
☝️ Kahoot! game PINs areuniqueto each kahoot session. They are generated once a kahoot has beenlaunched, and used at or in our app so that players can join a host’s session. 👉 If you want toplayby yourself, you don't need a PIN, you can use one of oursolo mo...