Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that brings engagement and fun to 1+ billion players every year at school, at work, and at home.
Whether it’s a LinkedIn profile, your Twitter account, or your business website, having a professional-sounding bio needs to make a positive statement. It should be brief to ensure readers don’t switch off or tune out. This means that you have anywhere from around 10 words, in the case...
Guess who Secret keeper Character limit What’s an email’s favorite holiday? Spam-o-ween Attachment Day Forward Friday Reply All Year Animals & Nature What’s a fish’s favorite subject? Current events Fin-ance School Tide tables What do you call a bear in the rain? A drizzly bear...
Slider question type Let players guess the number on the slider. Pin answer question type Participants can place a pin on an image and gain points for answering correctly. This feature can be used during review sessions, and it's great for identifying the correct location, anatomy, or componen...