On Children-By Kahlil Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life's longingfor itself.They come through you but not from you,And though they are with you yet they belong notto you.你的儿女,其实不是你的儿女他们是生命对于自身渴望而诞生的孩子他们借助你来到这...
Kahlil Gibran quotes to elevate your mind 21. “One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life.”Kahlil Gibran 22. “Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of...
He gave her the cup of happiness and said, 'Drink not from this cup unless you forget the past and the future, for happiness is naught but the moment.' And He also gave her a cup of sorrow and said, 'Drink from this cup and you will understand the meaning of the fleeting instants...
andstophumblybySelma'stombandgreettheearththatencloseshercorpseandmentionmyname with deep sigh and say to yourself, "here, all the hopes of Gibran, who is living as prisoner of love beyond the seas, were buried. On this spot he lost his happiness, drained his tears, and forgot his smile....