最近kaggle有一系列教育行为类比赛,分别是2019 Data Science Bowl,Riiid Answer Correctness Prediction,Predict Student Performance from Game Play,Linking Writing Processes to Writing Quality,均是根据学生的历史行为预测接下来能否答题正确。其中Riiid Answer Correctness Prediction是一系列历史答题结果,数据形式相当于CTR...
Predict Student Performance from Game Play(kaggle-学生表现预测大赛) 2023.2.6-2023.6.14 1454+支队伍 · : 55,000 方向:ML+ NLP 多模态任务 网址:https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/predict-student-performance-from-game-play 介绍:比赛的目标是实时预测学生在游戏中的学习表现。我们将基于大量的游戏log来...
Predict Student Performance from Game Play(kaggle-学生表现预测大赛) 📅2023.2.6-2023.6.14👤 1454+支队伍 · 💰 : 55,000 方向:ML+ NLP 多模态任务 网址:https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/predict-student-performance-from-game-play 介绍:比赛的目标是实时预测学生在游戏中的学习表现。我们将基于大...
kaggle-seizure-prediction-challenge-2016羞舍**py 上传8.65 MB 文件格式 zip The winning solution to the Melbourne University AES/MathWorks/NIH Seizure Prediction challenge on Kaggle is a code and documentation package that provides a detailed approach to predicting seizures in patients with epilepsy. ...
Thus, I hypothesized that the performance of the model might improve if the embeddings (the output of the last layer) followed mixture gaussian distribution. Therefore, I implemented a gaussian mixture model that receives class membership of each data point (one-hot encoded) and predicts the mean...
Okoshi: That’s a very difficult question. I think that machine learning products, like any other product, will depend on what the users want. I started my own business when I was a college student, and back then, I couldn’t figure out what the users wanted, and I couldn’t create ...
Student Performance In Exams:kaggle.com/spscientist/ 3. Mobile Price Classification 移动价格分类数据集具有大量的数据特征,并且数据种类繁多,遵循各种分布模式。 有分类特征、数值连续数据,甚至二进制数据。 多种数据模式确保人们能够处理大量数据并处理各种数学计算和统计。 Datasets Link:kaggle.com/iabhishekoff我...
砍手豪:小样本比赛也能有稳定区分度,复盘Kaggle AMP®-Parkinson's Disease Progression Prediction 砍手豪:没有magic! 复盘Kaggle Predict Student Performance from Game Play 今天早上我也请教了目前在前排的参赛者,可以肯定的是这个比赛也有稳定的提分trick,目测大局已定,后续除非内存炸了,剩下只会有小波动了,...
网址:https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/predict-student-performance-from-game-play 介绍:比赛的目标是实时预测学生在游戏中的学习表现。我们将基于大量的游戏log来预测学生们对知识的掌握程度。 经典往期赛 Shopee - Price Match Guarantee(Shopee商品匹配大赛) ...
网址:https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/predict-student-performance-from-game-play 介绍:比赛的目标是实时预测学生在游戏中的学习表现。我们将基于大量的游戏log来预测学生们对知识的掌握程度。 经典往期赛 Shopee - Price Match Guarantee(Shopee商品匹配大赛) ...