最近有兴趣研究了一下Kaggle之前所有的金融与部分时间序列相关的比赛,包括dataset, prediction target, winner's solutions等,感谢 @Hansen 同学的整理,具体的比赛链接和整理的内容已经附在了下面。 总的来说,各个比赛的胜者几乎没有用到很复杂的模型,以线性模型和简单的预测逻辑居多,偶尔用到的树模型也基本是bagging...
Optiver 2023 Prediction with Keras 5.3769 Optiv: Try an simple Neural Network with Keras 5.3866 PyTorch DNN 5.3655 Optiver 2023 | EDA | PyTorch: LSTM-Attention Model optiver-no-fe-lstm-inference-cleanup optiver-conv-just-imb-inference-cleanup 5.344 3.EDA 200stock id × 481 day × 55 ...
During the competition several participants shared their ysis on how to yze the importance of Latitude/Longitude for the price prediction model. # Creating some features from the dataset, that we want to plot data - train_df %% filter(full_sq 0) %% # to avoid division by 0 mutate (price...
You can find the dataset here:https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/esrathkanon/tesla-stock-market-dataset-2010-2024 Key Features: Data Range: 2010-2024 Data Points: Daily stock prices, including open, high, low. close and adjusted close prices ...
Topic · Posted 8y ago· In Daily News for Stock Market Prediction arrow_drop_up0 more_horiz Hi Friends, We are using this dataset as a project for our machine learning course; and are encountering accuracy issues. It appears that some of you are able to get more than 70% accuracy whi...
This dataset contains an anonymized set of features, feature_{0...129}, representing real stock market data. Each row in the dataset represents a trading opportunity, for which you will be predicting an action value: 1 to make the trade and 0 to pass on it. Each trade has an associated...
This dataset contains an anonymized set of features, feature_{0...129}, representing real stock market data. Each row in the dataset represents a trading opportunity, for which you will be predicting an action value: 1 to make the trade and 0 to pass on it. Each trade has an associated...
I've made very easy model to try to forecast up and down of Mc Donald's stock price based on a dataset made with their competitors previous stock prices. Let me know if it helps. :) https://www.kaggle.com/code/clemencetravers/deep-learning https://www.kaggle.com/code/clemencetravers...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from 2019-2024 US Stock Market Data
Notebooks that are scheduled to update whenever a new version of the underlying dataset is published https://www.kaggle.com/kalilurrahman/nasdaq-100-stock-visualization-eda https://www.kaggle.com/kalilurrahman/nasdaq-stock-price-prediction-using-lstm/notebook ...