从学术界来讲,我的几位统计系、商学院的老师对我参加过两次Kaggle比赛这件事情都非常感兴趣,有的想让我跟他们做research,研究Kaggle平台;有的想在学校开一个小组专门做Kaggle。他们很看重跟industry之间的合作,尤其是想要用他们研发的模型/algorithm用在real industry dataset上。” 助力名校offer: “Kaggle项目的经历...
从学术界来讲,我的几位统计系、商学院的老师对我参加过两次Kaggle比赛这件事情都非常感兴趣,有的想让我跟他们做research,研究Kaggle平台;有的想在学校开一个小组专门做Kaggle。他们很看重跟industry之间的合作,尤其是想要用他们研发的模型/algorithm用在real industry dataset上。” 助力名校offer: “Kaggle项目的经历...
Inception: Going Deeper with Convolutions Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks Mask R-CNN YOLO: You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection DenseNet: Densely Connected Convolutional Networks EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neu...
the real answer is: %d"% (i, classifierResult, testLabel[i]))if(classifierResult != testLabel[i]): errorCount +=1.0print("\nthe total number of errors is: %d"% errorCount)print("\nthe total error rate is: %f"% (errorCount/float(m))) ...
We know we could have ended up with a different random sample of males or females from the total dataset. With all three points above in mind, how confident are we that, the measured difference is real or statistically significant? we can perform a t-test to evaluate that. When we perfor...
https://www.kaggle.com/c/global-wheat-detection/rules这里说了每天5次,我点了submit就跳到这个竞赛了,可能和notebook的input有关,因为create notebook就需要指明具体的dataset 发现notebook下方有console 我看到 You can write up to 5GB to the current directory (/kaggle/working/) that gets preserved as ...
先看数据: 特征如下: Time Number of seconds elapsed between each transaction (over two days) numeric V1 No description provided numeric V2 No description provi
特别是,构建能够通过跟踪信息(Tracking Dataset,即NGS信息)将检测到的头盔分配给正确玩家的算法。我先介绍下NGS追踪数据是什么?NFL 的 Next Gen Stats (NGS) 程序采用复杂的跟踪技术通过每个球员肩垫中的RFID设备和嵌在每个体育场中的设备收集数据。这些设备会捕获多种数据,包括特定时间内上场球员名单、精准到英尺的...
输入句子A:The competition dataset comprises text passages that have been rewritten by the Gemma LLM according to some rewrite_prompt instruction. The goal of the competition is to determine what prompt was used to rewrite each original text. Please note that this is a Code Competition. When your...