You can only get GPU support by installing lightbgm from the offical github repo, compile it from CMAKE, and go to their subdirectory 'python-package' to install the python interface with 'install-gpu' specifically requested. Again confusing. Most people would need to uninstall their lightbgm ...
# Weights & Biases (optional) %pip install -q wandb import wandb wandb.login() valmetisrinivas commented Aug 23, 2023 Hello, I am trying to run my Kaggle notebook in offline mode (with internet off) for a code submission competition. While training WANDB is getting activated and returning...
fromplotlyimporttoolsimportchart_studio.plotlyaspyimportplotly.figure_factoryasffimportplotly.graph_objsasgofromplotly.offlineimportdownload_plotlyjs,init_notebook_mode,plot,iplotinit_notebook_mode(connected=True) plt.figure(figsize=(8,5))sns.barplot(y=df.term.value_counts(),x=df.term.value_counts(...
SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at at at (
Note that we are in the process of decreasing the size of our image so the request may be rejected. You can always pip install the package yourself if needed, or create a dataset holding the offline pip-installable wheel if needed.
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from No attached data sources
I found this problem not much discussed in the past (most discussions are more related to downgrading a particular package than downgrading the python that the notebook is using). I tried!conda install python=3.6, but it takes more 10 mins to run and still get stuck in loading stage as ... I would appreciate it if you could help me if there is a way to solve it Posted a year ago arrow_drop_up0 more_vert hi, i met the same question! have you solved it? hope for your reply! Posted a year ago arro...