sns.barplot(x=data['Gender'].value_counts().values, y=data['Gender'].value_counts().index, alpha=0.5, color='red', label='Gender') sns.barplot(x=data['Race/Ethnicity'].value_counts().values, y=data['Race/Ethnicity'].value_counts().index, color='blue', alpha=0.7, label='Race/...
Kaggle is a popular platform for data scientists and researchers, offering a wide range of datasets and tools for data analysis and machine learning. Many researchers wonder whether they can use Kaggle datasets for their research projects. The answer is yes, but there are certain steps and consid...
想通过比赛晋级专家,要至少获得两个铜牌,也就是拿前10%的成绩,拿Datasets,Notebooks, Discussions的专家,因为更简单一些,要求就会高一些,它们的牌子主要是靠其他用户的点赞来获取的,点赞越多,越容易拿牌子,这也是kaggle的分享氛围非常好的原因之一,天池就没有这一套系统。
SurveyDf<-fread("../Datasets/kagglesurvey2017/multipleChoiceResponses.csv") #for faster data reading## Read 59.5% of 16817 rows Read 16716 rows and 228 (of 228) columns from 0.023 GB file in 00:00:03Copy Most preferred blog sites for learning data science. Let’s find the top 15 most...
数据地址为: 最初的数据来自UCI官网: 导入库 In [1]: 代码语言:javascript 复制 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import plotly...
2) Plot the data. Run the next code cell without changes to load a GeoDataFrameworldcontaining country boundaries. #This dataset is provided in GeoPandasworld_filepath = gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres') world=gpd.read_file(world_filepath) ...
然后就会自动下载一个kaggle.json文件,另存到第一步那个.kaggle文件夹下载数据集再执行以下 kaggle compeitions list 可以看到近期的一些竞赛,重点关注以下奖金?...kaggle competitions {list, files, download, submit, submissions, leaderboard} 大家最关心的数据集下载 kaggle datasets...{list,files,download,...
There are lots of machine learning ready datasets available to use for fun or practice on Kaggle's Public Datasets platform. Here is a short list of some of our favorites that we've already had the chance to review. They're all (mostly) cleaned and ready for analysis! This awesome list...
# df = pd.read_csv("data/data_analysis.csv") # print(df) print(df.head()) print() # 某日所有数据 print("日期列表摘取:", df["Date"][:4]) print("日期->索引转换:\n", df[df["Date"] == "2020-02-03"]) # 累积...
写在前面:有小伙伴私信我说上次介绍 code interpreter 插件内容过于简单,让我找一个稍微复杂点的数据集进行测试。于是有了本文。数据集:…