data = [train_df, test_df] titles = {"Mr": 1, "Miss": 2, "Mrs": 3, "Master": 4, "Rare": 5} for dataset in data: # extract titles dataset['Title'] = dataset.Name.str.extract(' ([A-Za-z]+)\.', expand=False) # replace titles with a more common title or as Rare d...
绝大多数课堂上用的还是只有几百个几千个数据的UCI dataset。Kaggle是缩小这个gap最好的一个地方。
kaggle.api.dataset_download_files(username/diabetes-dataset,path=./data,unzip=True) 这段代码将下载名为“diabetes-dataset”的数据集,并将其解压到你的工作目录下的“data”文件夹中。 2.4数据集探索 下载数据集后,下一步是探索数据集。数据探索是数据科学项目中非常重要的一步,它可以帮助你理解数据的结构、...
Brazil (BRA), Spain (ESP), France (FRA), Germany (GER), and Italy (ITA). The dataset is stored as a CSV file (short forcomma-separated values file. Opening the CSV file in Excel shows a row for each date, along with a column for each country. ...
In order to understand our data, we can look at each variable and try to understand their meaning and relevance to this problem. I know this is time-consuming, but it will give us the flavour of our dataset. In order to have some discipline in our analysis, we can create an Excel spr...
Content Chapter 01 Introduction Chapter 02 Preparation 2.1 Import Necessary Libraries 2.2 Import Dataset 2.3 Check Basic Inf...
[2]) + " -> the predict: " + str(lr.predict(x_test.iloc[[2],:])))from sklearn.metrics import r2_scoreprint("r_square score: ", r2_score(y_test,y_head_lr))y_head_lr_train = lr.predict(x_train)print("r_square score (train dataset): ", r2_score(y_train,y_head_lr_...
名称: 5000 TMDB Movie Dataset(来自Kaggle数据分析竞赛平台)目标:假设你是一名业务分析顾问,客户(某电影公司)希望了解他们制作的电影在上映前是否“成功”,需要你协助他们分析:Q1: 为什么只选择5000部电影(实际4803部)A:第一点:We (Kaggle) have removed the original version of this datase...
train_data1 = pd.read_csv('F:\\Kaggle_Dataset\\Digit Recognizer\\digit-recognizer\\train.csv') print(train_data1) 数据量太大了,读取速度太慢了,读取结果是这样的 emmm,看上去好乱,也看不出来啥名堂。 那算了,用info试试看 print( ...