After applying Exploratory Data Analysis and Feature Engineering, the stroke prediction is done by using ML algorithms including Ensembling methods. 100% accuracy is reached in this notebook. The dataset is taken from Also, the no...
【kaggle深度学习实战--保险数据集的回归-基于pytorch-Regression with an Insurance Dataset】 pytorchdatasetkaggle数据深度学习 机器学习司猫白4天前 使用的模型为tabnet,因此需要安装相应的模块 !pip install pytorch-tabnet 8210 kaggle入门级竞赛Spaceship Titanic LIghtgbm+Optuna调参 ...
Python Project.ipynb Python Prediction Aug 8, 2022 Initial commit Aug 8, 2022 Repository files navigation README Stroke-Prediction We get this real dataset from Dataset Link:
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Stroke Prediction Dataset