The loan_untouched data is the dataset that we can download from Kaggle Lending Club Data. These files contain complete loan data for all loans issued through the 2007-2015, including the current loan status (Current, Late, Fully Paid, etc.) and latest payment information. The file containing...
The loan_untouched data is the dataset that we can download from Kaggle Lending Club Data. These files contain complete loan data for all loans issued through the 2007-2015, including the current loan status (Current, Late, Fully Paid, etc.) and latest payment information. The file containing...
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Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from All Lending Club loan data
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Cheers forum Comment on Logit: Bank Personal-Loan Modelling Posted 4y ago arrow_drop_up0 Thanks, Good suggestion, let me work on that… 1 2 MattCC mattcc Discussions Novice Medals 9Activity 27total posts 4total topics 23total comments 11net votes 0.4votes / post...
Predicting the odds of loan repayment among low income segment Community· 48 Teams· 7 years ago 13/48 more_horiz emoji_events Data Science Nigeria Telecoms Churn Predict the likelihood of churn among mobile telephone subscribers using a balanced dataset Community· 179 Teams· 7 years ago 158/...
A Classification Problem which predicts if a loan will get approved or notData CardCode (0)Discussion (0)Suggestions (0)Dataset Notebooks search filter_listFilters AllYour WorkShared With YouBookmarks Hotness No notebooks found No notebooks to show....