首先,目的地是Kafue River Cliff,门票只要15KMW,超级划算!船票150KMW,能坐2小时,风景超美。午餐在船上解决,牛排薯条、猪排西玛、烤鱼西玛,统统150KMW左右,绝对让你吃到饱!特别提醒一下,如果你自带酒水,那要花350KMW买杯子,真是有点小贵。建议自带杯子或者找个地方买好再上船。整个行程大概需要5小时,绝对让你玩...
After a march along riverine forests filled with resting hippos, the Busanga Plain spilled out in front of us. Before dark, we found a camping spot near an old river channel next to a large termite mound. This comfortable location was near water and out of the surrounding tall grass. As ...