Monitor Kafka Consumer Group Latency with Kafka Lag Exporter - kafka-lag-exporter/grafana/Kafka_Lag_Exporter_Dashboard.json at master · seglo/kafka-lag-exporter
命令行的使用方式相对简单,通过前面的Kafka配置之后可以直接在命令行下进行使用。 1. 创建Topic 使用Kafka,我们首先需要创建一个Topic,这样后续消息生产者和消息消费者才能针对性的发送和消费数据, > bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test ...
Add Integration tests using Embedded Kafka #11 Replace lag in time implementation with interpolation table implementation #5 Removed spark-event-exporter. See the spark-committer GitHub project to commit offsets in Spark Structured Streaming back to Kafka. #9 Implement backoff strategy for Kafka conne...
第二步:算了 自己动手吧 监控看板上 慢慢锊下发现这两个指标kafka_consumergroup_lag和 kafka_consumergroup_current_offset 是没有的, 然后去curl kafka-exporter:9308/metrics 发现确实没这个指标,由于技术太low 定位在exporter,去研究exporter 怎么获取指标的 - -。 后来查到有个脚本可以查看消费组,去kafka内查看...
kafka_partition_latest_offset Labels:cluster_name, topic, partition The latest offset available for topic partition. Kafka Lag Exporter will calculate a set of partitions for all consumer groups available and then poll for the last produced offset. The last produced offset is used in the calculatio...
Specify kafka nodes on kafka-exporter-standalone/kafka-lag-exporter/application.conf. Run with docker compose: docker-compose -f kafka-exporter-standalone/docker-compose.yaml up. Then you can open the Grafana webapp exposed at port 3000 and navigate to the dashboard Kafka Lag Exporter. On the...
Actions: ub-wroteIt/kafka-lag-exporterActions All workflows CI Release Management Caches Attestations All workflows Showing runs from all workflows 46 workflow runs Event Status Branch Actor Update CI #34: Commit 42d020b pushed by ub-wroteIt master March 5, 2024 18...
All the kafka_consumergroup_group_offset metrics for various consumer groups are all zero which leads to the lag metrics being insanely large (i.e. equal to the latest offsets), which is incorrect as the same metrics are shown correctly ...
SQL: sum(kafka_consumergroup_lag{consumergroup="consumergroupName",topic="topicName"}) by (consumergroup) But my result about kafka_consumergroup_lag is negative.