Try to increase 'fetch.message.max.bytes' to have it be at least as large as the maximum message size. EDIT: Based on the stack trace, the problem occurs when producing messages, so check broker config 'message.max.bytes' to ensure it is no less than the max message size. The default...
Kafka 中默认的消费位移的提交方式为自动提交,这个由消费者客户端参数 配置,默认值...
在0.9.0.0之前,Kafka提供了replica lag.max.messages 来控制follower副本最多落后leader副本的消息数量,follower 相对于leader 落后当超过这个数量的时候就判定该follower是失效的,就会踢出ISR,这里的指的是具体的LEO值。常见的导致同步跟不上的原因主要是下面几个: 1、新的副本(这是很常见的情况,每个新的副本加入都...
今天查看Kafka 0.10.0的官方文档,发现了这样一句话:Configuration parameter replica.lag.max.messages was removed. Partition leaders will no longer consider the number of lagging messages when deciding which replicas are in sync.即replica.lag.max.messages参数被正式地移除了,现在topic每个分区的leader副本都不...
./ --bootstrap-server brokerIP:brokerPort --topic yourTopic --partition 0 --offset 19831988 --property print.key=true --property print.timestamp=true --max-messages 1 1. 查看消费组 ./ --bootstrap-server brokerIP:brokerPort --describe --gro...
3. 异步发送支持批量发送,提高发送效率,先把消息缓存到内存中,然后一次性发出去,对应参数;queue.buffering.max.messages=;据说默认 5000 和 10000 consumer 配置 配置文件 1.每个消费者都属于某个 group,这里指定组 id ...
replica.fetch.max.bytes 参见 2.2.x 版本的官方解释: The number of bytes of messages to attempt to fetch for each partition. This is not an absolute maximum, if the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than...
config.Producer.MaxMessageBytes = SnappyMaxMessages }returnconfig,nil} sarama源码中的配置项: MaxMessageBytes默认为1000000,Compression压缩默认不开启 typeProducerstruct{// The maximum permitted size of a message (defaults to 1000000). Should be// set equal to or smaller than the broker's `message.m...
replica.fetch.max.bytes 参见 2.2.x 版本的官方解释: The number of bytes of messages to attempt to fetch for each partition. This is not an absolute maximum, if the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the record batch will still be...