curl-sSL>docker-compose.yml# 然后修改其中的ip:把- KAFKA_CFG_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://:9092修改为# - KAFKA_CFG_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://<服务所在ip>:9092,一定一定要修改!!! 然后运行并检查一...
1.2 KIP-1028 Official Docker Image KIP-1028 引入了 JVM-Based 的 Docker Official Image(DOI)。Docker hub 本身也包含由 Apache 开源社区维护的镜像例如 apache/kafka:3.8.0。但是由 Apache Kafka 社区维护并且通过 Docker 官方发布的 DOI 因为其构建流程更加严格透明,因此具有更好的安全性。此外由于是 Docker ...
The docker image wurstmeister/kafka is the most stared image for kafka, but the useage is rare, so in this post, I would take some time to talk about the usage of this docker image. 1. first, let's take some time to show the command to start the container instance...
执行我们的docker ps命令查看一下我们正在运行的docker容器都有哪些,这里我们可以看到成功创建和运行了kafka和zookeeper两个docker容器,这里我们需要注意的容器和镜像的关系是,一个镜像可以同时创建多个容器。 [root@localhost ~]# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES bdbe3d25f43d wurstmei...
Dockerfile的内容如下所示,执行的是设置环境变量、安装jdk、复制zookeeper,复制解压kafka等,详细说明请看每个命令的注释部分: 代码语言:javascript 复制 # Docker imageofkafka cluster #VERSION0.0.1# Author:bolingcavalry #基础镜像使用kinogmt/centos-ssh:6.7,这里面已经装好了ssh,密码是passwordFROMkinogmt/centos-...
helm 安装 docker image helm 安装kafka关闭sasl zookeeper集群SASL认证&KAFKA权限配置SASL/PLAIN身份验证 配置环境 JKD: 1.8 Kafka: 2.3.0 Zookeeper: 3.4.14 1. 2. 3. 以上外网地址是将各自内网地址在SLB中单独监听产生 关闭kafka [root@KAFKA01 ~]# cd /opt/kafka...
ibmcom/kafka Docker Image for IBM Cloud Private-CE (Commu… 6 bitnami/kafka-trigger-controller Source for this controller is in the kubeles… 5 ibmcom/kafka-python-console-sample Docker image for the IBM Event Streams Pytho… 2 openwhisk/kafkaprovider Apache OpenWhisk event provider service for...
在docker-compose.yml所在的文件夹下,执行命令docker-compose up -d,会先下载zookeeper和kafka的镜像,然后创建容器; 执行命令docker ps,可见启动了一个zookeeper和一个kafka容器: 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root@hedy kafka-docker]# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ac99c60be2e3...
docker.skip-build: (Optional) Set tofalseto include Docker images as part of build. Default is 'false'. docker.skip-test: (Optional) Set tofalseto include Docker image integration tests as part of the build. Requires Python 2.7,tox. Default is 'true'. ...