Make sure to include a resume summary only when you have more than 3 years of work experience else stick to a Kafka resume objective wherein you simply need to mention your willingness to bring your best for the growth f a business or organization. Refer to the given Kafka resume sample t...
resume(Arrays.asList(p0)); // 启动 } } } long lastOffset = pRecord.get(pRecord.size() - 1).offset(); // 单个partition中的offset,并且提交 Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offset = new HashMap<>(); // offset的记录的取出起始点,必须+1 offset.put(partition, new OffsetAnd...
Contact Us Earn a TekSlate Apache Kafka Certification Upon completion of the training you'll be provided a course completion certificate which adds weightage to your resume and increases your chances of getting hired. Benefits: Certification Assistance Certification Sample Questions Apache...
in simple terms, can the test4 sample application be run as a config file as in the case of objectDetector_YOLO, if such a file is available then it will greatly simplify the problem and would help in understanding. Is it possible for you to write a file with minimal functionality. some...
Pause / Resume / Restart a definition or a task Nodes List Configurations view Logs view Configure a node ACLS List principals List principals topic & group acls Authentification and Roles Read only mode BasicHttp with roles per user User groups configuration Filter topics with regexp for ...
和数据库的事务一样,Kafka消费者提交offset的方式也有两种,分别是自动提交和手动提交。在本例中演示的是自动提交,这也是消费数据最简单的方式。代码示例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** * 演示自动提交offset */publicstaticvoidautoCommitOffset(){Consumer<String,String>consumer=createConsumer();List<String>topics...