题目来源:https://buuoj.cn/challenges#[CFI-CTF%202018]Kadyrov's%20Cat 原题:A man from the soviet union has sent you two strange documents. Find the ident
百度谷歌了一圈,找到原题的题目: A man from the soviet union has sent you two strange documents. Find the identity of the man as well as his location. Flag format is : CFI{Firstname_Lastname_of_City} 转化下经纬度格式: 拾取坐标系统查询下: 于是city是Riga。 接着用adobe reader打开pdf文件,...
百度谷歌了一圈,找到原题的题目: A man from the soviet union has sent you two strange documents. Find the identity of the man as well as his location. Flag format is : CFI{Firstname_Lastname_of_City} 转化下经纬度格式: 拾取坐标系统查询下: 于是city是Riga。 接着用adobe reader打开pdf文件,...