PENGARUH KADAR AIR DAN BAHAN IKAT SEMEN TERHADAP TREN KERETAKAN LAPIS PERKERASAN TANAH SEMENSoil cement is one types of flexible pavement utilizing sub standard materials- soil, as road materials performed using soil stabilization techniques. Determination o...
shows the use of video as media learning was significantly influences the students' achievement in cognitive and psychomotor aspect, but did not give effects improve the affective achievement of class X at SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar Keywords: Media, Video Learning, Learning Achievement, The Air ...
Penyaringan Air Tanah dengan Zeolit Alami untuk Menurunkan Kadar Besi dan Mangan. Makara. Kesehatan, Volume 8(1), pp. 1-6.Rahman, A., Hartono, B., 2004. Penyaringan Air Tanah dengan Zeolit Alami Untuk Menurunkan Kadar Besi dan Mangan. Makara, Kesehatan 8, 1:1-6...
Cibet (Orthetrum sp) contains protein and calcium where the concentration can be confirmed. The sample has been research is cibet (Orthetrum sp.) that is taken Batu Karang Village, Payung District, Karo. The Qualitative research had done to protein and calcium. Protein qualitative research is...
From the results it could be concluded that the gypsum block could be used as a device to measure the moisture content of clay.Jurnal Teknik SipilJurnal Teknik Sipil