个人简介 Your favorite sociopathic narcissist finally gets his own YouTube channel. Stephen's the best person ever. He knows it, you know it. So why not stop by and get to know him a bit better with a new VIDEO. Drop on in and don't forget to BYOK (Bring Your Own Knives). ...
记录每天的点点滴滴 心态好一切都好 59 过好自己的每一天 过好自己的每一天 59 女人一定要活成自己喜欢的样子 女人一定要活成自己喜欢的样子 52 这个背景不错!! 这个背景不错!! 52 吃饱喝足抖一抖!! 吃饱喝足抖一抖!! 58 中年少女已上线 中年少女已上线 55 又是新的一天 又是新的一天热门...