SR-25 Stoner Carbine(斯通纳卡宾枪) SR-25 Sporter Rifle(运动步枪) SR-25战斗步枪 SR-25战斗步枪(Battle Rifle)是KAC/KMC最新推出的产品,基本上是在原来的SR-25卡宾枪的基础上,改用KAC最新的URX导轨型护木的改进型。当使用M118LR弹时在100码散布在1.9英寸内。URX全称为“上机匣延长嵌块导轨(Upper Receiver Ext...
Steve and Kim were very helpful with updating me on my order, as well as receiving my notes for my upper receiver build. The wait time was about 4 weeks as expected. Thanks again for your business. Charlie's Custom Clones Mar 05, 2025 Thanks for sharing. We will also bug you for a...
program, the SR635 is the near-term, low-cost option in this caliber. Using a common lower receiver from 5.56mm AR's (to include the SR-15's and 16's); the SR635 can be achieved by the replacement of the host weapon's 5.56mm upper receiver with that of the 6 x 35mm SR635'...
SR-25战斗步枪(Battle Rifle)是KAC/KMC最新推出的产品,基本上是在原来的SR-25卡宾枪的基础上,改用KAC最新的URX导轨型护木的改进型。当使用M118LR弹时在100码散布在1.9英寸内。URX全称为“上机匣延长嵌块导轨(Upper Receiver Extension Quad-Rail)”。有点类似于ARMS公司的SIR系统,也是作为上机匣的一部分,因此可以使...
上期回顾:注:转载自枪炮世界(已获得教授的转载许可)SR-25步枪系列口径:7.62×51mm NATO2010年泰国陆军来中国联合演习交流的照片,泰军狙击手的装备是SR25,这应该算中方第一次接触这款枪1993年初,KAC公司向民间市场推出奈特与斯通纳两人合作的新产品SR-25半自动步枪。SR-