This is an authentic 2012 Mk11, not an SR25 that has been filled-in and re-engraved. This is the real deal. Note: Rifle is pictured with the Mk11 suppressor, but listed here is the rifle without the suppressor. This is a Police Department trade-in with roughly 3,000 rounds shot throu...
KAC is also the only company to have a current US Army Safety Certified suppressor for use on the M249 and Mk46 Signature Reduction Devices with the NT-4. As well, KAC has supplied U.S. and Allied Governments with over 15,000 of the Mk11/M110 Back-over-the-Barrel (Reflex) style ...
KAC SR-15 MOD2 6,025 rounds. Zero cleanings, Zero malfunctions, 1MOA capable rifle. October 18, 2014 We’ll begin suppressor testing of theKnight’s Armament CompanySR-15 MOD2 this Monday using KAC’s 556 QDC/CQB Signature Reduction Device. I think we’ll shoot some target POV video ...