menampilkan data provinsi,kota/kabupaten,kecamatan dan desa/kelurahan menggunakan AjAX. (update terbaru sesuai Kepmendagri no 100.1.1-6117 tahun 2022: ) - cahyadsn/daerah
2014. Deteksi Perubahan Tutupan Mangrove Menggunakan Citra Landsat Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Hibrida Di Sungai Kembung, Pulau Bengkalis, Provinsi Riau. Bogor ... R Jhonnerie,VP Siregar,B Nababan,... 被引量: 4发表: 2014年 KUALITAS PELAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN BERDASARKANTINGKAT KESESUAIAN ANTARA PERSEPSI...
PENGARUH JUMLAH ANGGOTA DAN MODAL SENDIRI TERHADAP SHU KUD DI KABUPATEN KAMPAR PROVINSI RIAUAbstack: The cooperatives is a business entity that membered a people or legal entity with the bases its activities cooperative principles are ... Supriyanto,H Indrawati,Hendripides 被引量: 0发表: 2016年...
Data Provinsi, Kota/Kabupaten, Kecamatan, dan Kelurahan/Desa di Indonesia - edwardsamuel/Wilayah-Administratif-Indonesia
ANALISIS PERKEMBANGAN INFRASTRUKTUR PARIWISATA DI KAWASAN STRATEGIS PARIWISATA NASIONAL (KSPN) RUPAT, KABUPATEN BENGKALIS, PROVINSI RIAUdoi:10.36418/syntax-literate.v8i2.11348Rupat is one of the 16 main islands in Bengkalis Regency, Riau, which has extraordinary...
ORGANOLOGI PEMBUATAN CALEMPONG KAYU OLEH FATIMAH DI DESA LIPATKAIN UTARA KECAMATAN KAMPAR KIRI KABUPATEN KAMPAR PROVINSI RIAUdoi:10.46799/jsa.v5i1.997This research is based on the researcher's desire to describe the organology of making Calempong wood by Fatimah in the village ...
Riau is a province which has the largest peat land approximately 4.044 million ha or 56.1% of the total area of peatlands in Sumatera.Indonesia is one of the countries that suffered environmental problems, such as the problem of flooding, forest encroachment, until the destruction of the ...
Zonasi kerawanan kebakaran hutan dan lahan beserta strategi pencegahannya di Kabupaten Siak, Provinsi Riau 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 27 作者: Endarmiyati 摘要: The forest and land fire hazard zonation that encompassed several environmental factors (abiotic, biotic and culture) as well...
Prayogi, RyanDanial, EndangHumanikaPrayogi, R., et al. Pergeseran Nilai-nilai Budaya pada Suku Bonai Sebagai Civic Culture di Kecamatan Bonai Darussalam Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Provinsi Riau. Jurnal Himanika. V. 23 (1). 2016. ISSN 1412-9418. 2016....
Analisis Potensi Habitat dan Koridor Harimau Sumatera di Kawasan Hutan Lindung Bukit Batabuh, Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, Provinsi RiauDoline ponds (telaga) have an important role as one of water resources in karst areas, especially during dry seasons in Gunungkidul. Recently, the doline ponds ...