ANALISIS DISTRIBUSI PENDAPATAN DAN TINGKAT KEMISKINAN MASYARAKAT KECAMATAN TELUK SEBONG KABUPATEN BINTAN PROVINSI KEPULAUAN RIAUThe purpose of this research is to analyze distrtbution of household income, and to analyze poverty level of ... Yusmini 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 KEMISKINAN PADA MASYARAKAT ...
Kabupaten Karimun adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. Ibu kota Kabupaten Karimun terletak di Tanjung Balai Karimun. Kabu... DM Gulo,FI Widjaja,D Ginting,... 被引量: 0发表: 2019年 Strategy for Tourism Development in Ex-Tin Mining, Lake Pongkar Tanjung Balai...
NasutionMubarakZulkifliUdayana UniversityBumi LestariNasution, A.Z. Mubarak. Zulkifli. 2013. Studi emisi CO2 akibat kebakaran hutan di provinsi riau : studi kasus di Kabupaten Siak. Jurnal Bumi Lestari 13 (1) : 27 - 36
RIAU | 12 | 169 | 1876 | | 15 | JAMBI | 11 | 141 | 1562 | | 16 | SUMATERA SELATAN | 17 | 236 | 3263 | | 17 | BENGKULU | 10 | 128 | 1515 | | 18 | LAMPUNG | 15 | 228 | 2642 | | 19 | KEPULAUAN BANGKA BELITUNG | 7 | 47 | 366 | | 21 | KEPULAUAN RIAU | ...
Riau is a province which has the largest peat land approximately 4.044 million ha or 56.1% of the total area of peatlands in Sumatera.Indonesia is one of the countries that suffered environmental problems, such as the problem of flooding, forest encroachment, until the destruction of the ...
The Police as an investigation as a life law and the edge of investigating in do... E Sulistiono 被引量: 0发表: 2004年 PENGARUH PENGAWASAN KEPALA SATUAN POLISI PAMONG PRAJA TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA PEGAWAI PADA BADAN SATUAN POLISI PAMONG PRAJA PROVINSI KEPULAUAN RIAU Supervision has an ...
Kep. Riau Lampung pakitanggamus....
JENIS-JENIS IKAN SEGAR YANG DIPERDAGANGKAN DI PASAR MODERN KABUPATEN ROKAN HULU PROVINSI RIAUStudy about the diversity of fresh fish that sold in Modern Market Rokan Hulu Regency Riau Privince has been conducted in December 2014 to Januari 2015 by using survey method. Result showed 24 species ...
The data analysis used quantitative data that was obtained from the test. The researcher used scoring rubric to measure the students\\u27 score, and then calculate the mean score.RosdalinaPipit RahayuEripuddin
ANALISIS USAHA DAN POTENSI PENGEMBANGAN KERAMBA JARING APUNG (KJA) DI WADUK PLTA KOTO PANJANG KABUPATEN KAMPAR PROVINSI RIAUPublic HealthAdverse ReactionHaemoglobin LevelHealth Care ProfessionalSafety InformationThis research aims to know KJA effort feasibility and development potency atPLTA Koto Panjang...