在这篇博文中,我们将分享Amazon Textract如何帮助 80% 的 Kabbage PPP 申请人获得全自动贷款体验,并将批准时间从几天缩短至 4 小时的中位速度。到该计划结束时,Kabbage 已成为全美第二大 PPP 贷款机构(按申请数量),超过了美国主要银行(包括美国最大的银行大通银行),为 29.7 万多家小型企业提供服务,并在...
In response to thepandemic, Kabbage restructured its lending technology to support PPPlendingfor small businesses. This has enabled tens of thousands of small businesses to have access to PPP funding when their bank wasn’t able to accommodate them. The company also built and launchedwww.helpsmall...