The Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter, developed by Kamov Helicopters JSC, carries the Nato codename Hokum A, with Hokum B the two-seat version, Ka-52. Ka-50 is also known as Werewolf. It is a high-performance combat helicopter with day and night capability, high survivability and fire power ...
The Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter, developed by Kamov Helicopters JSC, carries the Nato codename Hokum A, with Hokum B the two-seat version, Ka-52. Ka-50 is also known as Werewolf. It is a high-performance combat helicopter with day and night capability, high survivability and fire power ...
истехпорэтоназваниепрочнозакрепилосьзаКа-50 Позднееаналогичнымобразомбылаперекрашенаитретьясерийнаямашина (борт...
Kamov Ka-52 Aligator SCALE & KIT 1/48 Italery MODELER Patrik Mészáros HISTORY TheKamov Ka-50“Black Shark” (Russian: Чёрнаяакула, romanized: Chornaya Akula, ‘kitefin shark’, NATO reporting name: Hokum A) is a single-seat Russian attack helicopter with the distinctive coax...
DescriptionReport Item Modname = CKEditor type1:Single Ka50 total pitch club head [(upgrade for Orion users) type4:Ka50 total distance rod+base+seat bracket type6:Gemini helicopter throttle total pitch rod base [pure base, no rod head]...
UV映射 non-overlapping 未包装UV 已装配 产品编号:1259407 Mar 1, 2018 来自3d_molier International 68284个产品 自2015起 8323 3D模型车辆飞机直升机军用直升机攻击直升机 3D模型kamovka-50 black shark 3D模型russian army Attack Helicopter Kamov KA-50 Black Shark Rigged 3D Model is a high quality, phot...
In reality, the Ka-50 did not enter service until 1995. Likewise, in Armed Assault, North Sahrani, a fictitious South-American style communist state, had these gunships. In reality, only Russia has this helicopter. As of this date, none have been exported. Game Game Name Config Name ...
If you are like me a novice helicopter pilot and have a small old HDMI display you actually have no use for anymore consider using HELIOS and make your favourite analog or digital instruments from the cockpit appear on your little old HDMI 720p screen below your main flight window. Step ...
3D 模型 产品规格 65,315 多边形 Polygonal 几何 纹理 物料 Unknown 未包装UV 已装配 动画 产品编号:1315507 Aug 9, 2018 来自sky_fox 4个产品 自2016起 3D模型车辆飞机直升机军用直升机攻击直升机 3D模型kamovka-50 black shark High quality 3d model of Russian attack helicopter Kamov Ka-52 'Alligator' ...
Ka-52 Alligator is an all-weather attack helicopter operated by the Russian Air Force. Developed by Kamov Design Bureau (part of Russian Helicopters), Ka-52 is a twin-seat variant of the Ka-50 attack helicopter. The Ka-52 is a highly manoeuvrable helicopter that can destroy enemy armoured...