k_clique_communities(G, k, cliques=None) 使用渗透法在图中找到k-clique 社区。 k-clique 社区是可以通过相邻(共享 k-1 个节点)k-cliques 到达的所有大小为 k 的集团的联合。 参数: G:NetworkX 图 k:int 最小集团规模 cliques: list or generator: 预先计算的集团(使用 networkx.find_cliques(G))...
k_clique_communities(G, k, cliques=None) 利用渗透法在图中寻找K族群落。 K集团社区是所有K规模的集团的联盟,可以通过邻近的(共享K-1节点)K集团…
First, we show that detected communities can be described by a tree representation. Then we show the presence of two classes of k-clique communities: those that are strictly aected by the nesting process which is embedded in the k-clique community denition, and, on the other hand, those ...
Finding large diverse communities on networks: the edge maximum k*-partite cliquedoi:10.14778/3407790.3407846Alexander ZhouYue WangLei ChenVLDB EndowmentPUB4722Very Large Data Bases