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先公布今天题目这个问题的答案:Dog是狗这种动物的俗称,K9一般指的是警犬(police dog)或经过专业训练的工作犬。为什么叫K9?因为是对canine这个词的发音模拟。Canine是什么?Canine就是狗的学名,准确地应该翻译成“犬科动物”,但正式文章中经常用canine来指代狗...
60 Talking a walk on a sunny day 60 She is a little sunshine 60 Open She is a little sunshine 60 Appa is so sweet and lovely 20 Open Appa is so sweet and lovely 20 Happy Monday! 60 Open Happy Monday! 60 Feeling good in a beautiful day!
"first aid for your dog K9" is a comprehensive app, providing detailed information and assistance, if your dog needs first aid + Includes an unique interactive first aid assistant for dogs ! Additionally the app provides basic dog knowledge. ...
可悲、可恨,最后只想说一句话:若让这样的信息沉入“海底”,就别怪自己的辛劳砸在自己的手里。 也向全世界申明一件事:那些人并不能代表中国的繁殖者,而那些繁殖者更代表不了CHINA。 特别声明:文章内的图片跟内容无关,侵权请告删。 更多知识见
Dog Trainer serving Denton County TX and surrounding areas of Fort Worth Dallas Texas. Offering obedience board and train, and private in home lessons for all ages of dogs and puppies.
更多知识请见k9犬网 k9犬网 一站式犬业电子商务咨询信息门户平台 特别声明:文章内的图片来自网络,侵权请告删。 -The End-
The dog took very few minutes to locate the person who pretended to be lost in a very contaminated scenario. The handler was very proud of his dog, and yes very uninterested in the art of tracking. He wanted to hear nothing about why tracking could get benefit his local SAR team. I fe...
(转自网络) 更多知识请见k9犬网 k9犬网 一站式犬业电子商务资讯信息门户平台