redis cluster模式: 官方推荐模式 使用hash slot方式 将16348个hash slot 覆盖到所有节点上 对于存储的每个key值 使用CRC16(KEY)&16348=slot 得到他对应的hash slot 并在访问key时就去找他的hash slot在哪一个节点上 然后由当前访问节点从实际被分配了这个hash slot的节点去取数据 节点之间使用轻量协议通信 减少...
>>> Send CLUSTER MEET to node redisc-shard-5g8-1.redisc-shard-5g8-headless:6379 to make it join the cluster. Waiting for the cluster to join >>> Configure node as replica of [OK] New node added correctly. 为 master 节点的 annouced ip/port。 查...
# 1. redis的无头服务---apiVersion:v1kind:Servicemetadata:name:redis-cluster-headlessspec:clusterIP:Noneselector:app:redis-clusterports:-port:6379protocol:TCPtargetPort:6379name:redis-port:16379protocol:TCPtargetPort:16379name:election # 2.redis集群的配置信息,redis的密码改成你自己的---apiVersio...
redis-cluster集群的部署网上一堆,用k8s部署也不在少数,但都是抄来抄去,问题不少,实际操作分享出来的还是太少。 1、redis启动配置文件,使用CofigMap来管理比较方便,redis-config.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: redis-config namespace: default data: | #!/bin/sh RED...
是 etcd 证书问题引起的,详见排查 Kubernetes 集群无法加入 control-plane 的问题
serviceName: redis-cluster replicas:6selector: matchLabels: app: redis-cluster template: metadata: labels: app: redis-cluster spec: containers:-name: redis image: redis:5.0.5-alpine ports:- containerPort:6379name: client- containerPort:16379name: gossip ...
redis-cluster-cm.yml 脚本的作用用于当 redis 集群某 pod 重建后 Pod IP 发生变化,在 /data/nodes.conf 中将新的 Pod IP 替换原 Pod IP。不然集群会出问题| ...
serviceName: redis-cluster replicas: 6 selector: matchLabels: app: redis-cluster template: metadata: labels: app: redis-cluster spec: containers: - name: redis image: redis:5.0.5-alpine ports: - containerPort: 6379 name: client - containerPort: 16379 ...
(type'yes'to accept):yes>>>Nodesconfiguration updated>>>Assigna different config epoch toeachnode>>>SendingCLUSTERMEETmessages to join the clusterWaitingforthe cluster to join..>>>PerformingClusterCheck(using node172.29.11.9:8382)M:7f8e4fbd362fd003b1890aa24dd673d06d401500172.29.11.9:8382slots:...
(type 'yes' to accept): yes #输入yes >>> Nodes configuration updated >>> Assign a different config epoch to each node >>> Sending CLUSTER MEET messages to join the cluster Waiting for the cluster to join .. >>> Performing Cluster Check (using node redis-sts-0.redis-svc:6360) M: ...