1. KubeletTooManyPods 节点运行过多的 Pod,监测节点上运行的 Pods 数量。表达式: max(max(kubelet_running_pod_count{job="kubelet", metrics_path="/metrics"}) by(instance) * on(instance) group_left(node) kubelet_node_name{job="kubelet", metrics_path="/metrics"}) by(node) / max(kube_node_...
kubesphere-logging-system 7m42s Warning FailedScheduling pod/opensearch-logging-curator-opensearch-curator-28803900-zsf8j 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Too many pods. kubesphere-logging-system 3m24s Normal Pulling pod/opensearch-logging-curator-opensearch-curator-28803900-zsf8j Pulling image "kubesphere/opens...
// 管理Job的Pod数量 func (jm *JobController) manageJob(activePods []*v1.Pod, succeeded int32, job *batch.Job) (int32, error) { active := int32(len(activePods)) parallelism := *job.Spec.Parallelism if active > parallelism { diff := active - parallelism // "Too many pods running ...
}, "msg": "Failed to delete pod longhorn-system/instance-manager-e-f5feaabb due to: Too Many Requests" } 👍2
429 Too Many Requests:当前不允许驱逐,因为配置了 PodDisruptionBudget。 你可以稍后再尝试驱逐。你也可能因为 API 速率限制而看到这种响应。 500 Internal Server Error:不允许驱逐,因为存在配置错误, 例如存在多个 PodDisruptionBudgets 引用同一个 Pod。
("Too many pods running job %q, need %d, deleting %d", jobKey, parallelism, diff) // Sort the pods in the order such that not-ready < ready, unscheduled // < scheduled, and pending < running. This ensures that we delete pods // in the earlier stages whenever possible....
// pkg/controller/replicaset/replicaset.go// func() syncReplicaSetifrsNeedsSync&&rs.DeletionTimestamp==nil{manageReplicasErr=rsc.manageReplicas(ctx,filteredPods,rs)}// func() manageReplicas}elseifdiff>0{ifdiff>rsc.burstReplicas{diff=rsc.burstReplicas}klog.V(2).InfoS("Too many replicas","repl...
ScalingActive True ValidMetricFound theHPAwas able to successfully calculate a replica count from cpu resourceutilization(percentageofrequest)ScalingLimited True TooManyReplicas the desired replica count is more than the maximum replica countEvents:Type Reason Age From Message---Normal SuccessfulRescale 29m...
日志报Too many open files. 导致Envoy崩了 导致这个问题的原因是宿主机的文件描述符被运维设置成了1024 太小了 目前问题已解决 出问题的日志 对应的宿主机文件描述符 sidecar header key= x-envoy-peer-metadata 有2kb 触发了下游服务max-header-size=8kb的阈值,导致B端请求报400 x-envoy-peer-metadata 的作...
因为storage 队列是有限的(FIFO),当 pods 的更新时队列,旧的变更就会从队列中淘汰。如上图所示,当队列中的更新与某个 Client 无关时,Client 进度仍然保持在 rv=5,如果 Client 在 5 被淘汰后重连,这时候 API Server 无法判断 5 与当前队列最小值(7)之间是否存在客户端需要感知的变更,因此返回 Clienttoo old...