ERROR: Job failed: prepare environment: waiting for pod running: image pull failed: Failed to apply default image tag "map[image:ubuntu registry: tag:16.04]": couldn't parse image reference "map[image:ubuntu registry: tag:16.04]": invalid reference format...
docker build --no-cache -t360cloud/wayne-frontend: -f hack/build/frontend/Dockerfile . invalid argument"360cloud/wayne-frontend:"for"-t, --tag"flag: invalid referenceformatSee'docker build --help'. 我们直接在 Makefile 里面写死版本。 RELEASE_VERSION :=v1.8.7.1...
Warning InspectFailed 4s (x11 over 2m) kubelet, Failed to apply default image tag "None:None": couldn't parse image reference "None:None": invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase Warning Failed 4s (x11 over 2m) kubelet, ip-...
disabled_plugins = []imports = []oom_score = 0plugin_dir = ""required_plugins = []root = "/var/lib/containerd"state = "/run/containerd"temp = ""version = 2[cgroup]path = ""[debug]address = ""format = ""gid = 0level = ""uid = 0[grpc]address = "/run/containerd/containerd....
kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] -o= 常用-o yaml,一般使用yaml文件,看的比json清晰,配置项太多了json的花括号看着很乱。 实战 基本命令 create 从命令行或文件创建资源,可以是json或yaml格式。命令格式如下: kubectl create -f FILENAME [options] 选项如下: Options...
(<invalid> ago) 15d <none> <none> kube-system calico-node-hdbkv 1/1 Running 2 (130m ago) 15d k8s-worker-02-22 <none> <none> kube-system calico-node-jjv5z 1/1 Running 2 (130m ago) 15d k8s-master-02-12 <none> <none> kube-system ...
reportInvalidNamespaceOwnerRef 函数报告命名空间不符合预期的 ownerRef 对象。 insertNode 函数将指定的节点插入到对象关系图中。 removeDependentFromOwners 函数从所有者列表中删除指定的依赖对象。 removeNode 函数从对象关系图中删除指定的节点。 referencesDiffs 函数比较两个 reference 列表,并返回资源类型的字符串切片...
If user enters invalid duration format (apart from what is mentioned in configuration, then application would be forcefully stopped and respective error would be logged. Until user enters correct format, Argus wont start. ...
mount of the PVs will simply fail if one is invalid. parameters Map<String,String> Parameters holds the parameters for the provisioner that should create volumes of this storage class. provisioner String Provisioner indicates the type of the provisioner. reclaimPolicy String Dynamically provisioned Per...