k750 for mac features a numpad to make data entry a breeze. key features sustainability reviews powered by light it doesn’t get more effortless than this. this keyboard charges itself whenever there’s light—and stays charged for at least three months in total darkness—so you can say goo...
Shop K750 Keyboard. Features solar power charging, sleek slim design, power monitor app, unifying receiver, whisper-quiet keys, and PVC-free construction
Logitech® Wireless Solar Keyboard K750 11 简体中文 包装内容 太阳能无线键盘 K750 Uni ying 接收器 无线延长器 设置键盘 1 1. 将 Uni ying 接收器插入到电脑的 USB 端口。如果您使用的是台式电脑, 请使用无线延长器尽可能减少射频 (RF) 干扰。 2. 拉出接环激活键盘。 3. 开启键盘。 需要多强的...
罗技无线太阳能键盘K750r设置指南说明书 Logitech® Wireless Solar Keyboard K750r Setup Guide
Note If the Light-check LED produces no light, please see Help with setup for more information. Using the Solar App Want an easy and more visual way of checking the available light falling on the K750 while keeping track of the keyboard’s energy reserve? Download and install the Solar ...
It comes with a tiny USB adapter that plugs into the PC, with which the keyboard communicates. Setup was easy and involved installing Logitech's software - the Solar App shows if it's charging and how much power is left. In our experience, there was enough charge under normal lighting. ...
it's as friendly to the environment as a piece of computer hardware is likely to get. two solar panels at the top of the keyboard work to keep the internal battery charged, even in low indoor ambient light. when i took it out of the box, the battery was more than 50 percent charged...
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k750 wireless solar keyboard alle anzeigen sprache farbe grafit kostenloser standardversand für bestellungen von € 39 und höher. beschreibung wir präsentieren: die schlanke solarbetriebene tastatur in standardgröße k750 wurde speziell entwickelt, um ihnen zu noch mehr produktivität zu ...