We prove that the minimum weight of a dicycle is equal to the maximum number of disjoint dicycle covers, for every weighted digraph whose underlying graph is planar and does not have K 5–e as a minor (K 5–e is the complete graph on five vertices, minus one edge). Equality was ...
The K5 Pro has more than sufficient power for planars, perhaps a bit too clean and fast and lacks emotion for my streaming content and playlists. One decent pairing I find is the recently released HP1000 from Soundmagic, a robustly built metallic headphone with a massive soundstage. ...
added the capability to remove a cloud when removeShape is called, to preserve API backward compatibility (a PolygonMesh is not treated as a CloudActor inside PCLVisualizer) fix #472: at startup the camera view pointis set to last added point cloud, but with the key combination ALT+r on...
A pivoted back-rest 64 for the helmsman may control a switch (not shown) in the electric ignition-system of the engine 54 such that the latter is rendered inoperative when the helmsman leaves the craft. The hydrofoils 9 have different angles of incidence α, as shown, so that the ...
the structure calculation choose a hinged frame for calculating unit and using the hand count of the simplified calculation method, including in the vertical load calculation under the framework of internal force of the use of electricity when algorithm,Not only make the calculated result is more ...
is located just on the upper side of the slice cutter 28 with respect to the direction of rotation of the cutter 28 so that food is thickly sliced into thickness corresponding to a large space (b) between a planar portion where projecting portions are not provided and the slice cutter 28....