k3s version: v1.24.6 OS: Ubuntu 18.4 LTS Arch: ARM aarch64 I am trying to add one of my ARM aarch64-based node to my existing RKE2-based K8s cluster as a worker node. Since I would need to run some applications on ARM-based architecture...
On a previous post we saw how ridiculously easy is tobootstrap a k3s clusteron a Raspberry Pi but what do we need to do to join new worker nodes to the cluster? The installation of a new node to make it join to anexisting clusteris as follows: # curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io |...
As a result, the argsystem-default-registryis sent to the worker-only node, and thek3s-agent.serviceon the worker node fails to start properly. Workaround Instead of leaving it to Rancher UI to configure the registry on the cluster, we need to edit the cluster as YAML to add the follow...
exportKUBECONFIG=~/.kube/my-k3s 添加Worker 节点 如果有多台机器组成集群的话,可以给安装命令添加K3S_TOKEN=mynodetoken来完成。 K3S_TOKEN存储在 master 节点的/var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token 如果Worker 节点已经安装成功,则可以通过下面的命令来加入集群。 K3S_TOKEN=SECRETk3s agent --serverhttps:/...
K3S Worker startup command:k3s agent --node-external-ip --node-ip --kube-proxy-arg proxy-mode=ipvs K3S Thing: Make Traefik Forward Real Client IP Background After migrating test environment applications to K3S cluster, application gets wrong client IP. The IP Address ...
在Worker节点上安装k3s: 要在Woker节点上安装k3s,我们应该将K3S_URL以及K3S_TOKEN或K3S_CLUSTER_SECRET环境变量一起传递。 K3S_TOKEN在第一个节点k3s-master上的/var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token中创建. [root@k3s-master~]# cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token ...
原理就是,将K8S的相关组件封装到K3S的二进制文件中去,然后启动这二进制文件就可以启动一个成熟的K8S集群。我们可以看到K3S和K8S的架构基本差不多,其中k3s-server对应这个control-plane,而k3s-agent对应着node节点。 可以看到k3s中使用的默认存储是SQLite(自带),且默认的网络使用的是Flannel(自带)。当服务端和客户端都...
设置K3S_URL参数会使 K3s 以worker模式运行。K3s agent 将在所提供的 K3S_URL 上向监听的 K3s 服务器注册。K3S_TOKEN存储在 master 节点的/var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token路径下。--docker表示采用docker作为容器运行时,表示该节点使用 docker 完成各种负载部署,需提前装好 docker 环境,最后记得放通 mast...
node client certificates in the cluster [bootstrap-token] Creating the "cluster-info" ConfigMap in the "kube-public" namespace [kubelet-finalize] Updating "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf" to point to a rotatable kubelet client certificate and key [addons] Applied essential addon: CoreDNS [addons...
原理就是,将K8S的相关组件封装到K3S的二进制文件中去,然后启动这二进制文件就可以启动一个成熟的K8S集群。我们可以看到K3S和K8S的架构基本差不多,其中k3s-server对应这个control-plane,而k3s-agent对应着node节点。 可以看到k3s中使用的默认存储是SQLite(自带),且默认的网络使用的是Flannel(自带)。当服务端和客户端都...