Shop K350 Keyboard. Features ergo curve design, cushioned palm rest, unifying receiver, wave shaped key frame, media controls, programmable buttons, and more
✅ Logitech K350 wireless keyboard input lag:So, I have a problem with my Logitech K350 wireless keyboard. It was working fine for years, then recently I started to regularly get input lag,...
$29.99(指导价$59.99) Staples现有罗技K350无线人体工学键盘,现价$29.99.店内免费取货.点击购买>>性能/配置:舒适的波浪形设计,让您更加舒适自然地摆放双手,软垫掌托能提供良好的支撑,长达3年的超长电池续航能力,罗技Unifying优联接收器,先进的2.4 GHz 无线技术。 English 报告错误 Staples 2 2 分享 写评论 评论...
The Logitech K350 is an old keyboard from around 2004, but it doesn't stop it from being a decent overall keyboard for the office. It has a slightly curved desig...
This tutorial will show you how to use the following features in Logitech Mouse and Keyboard software (SetPoint): Customizing...